since 2002

Remote scholarships

As they work in Nepal, Kam For Sud staff members meet children day after day who, due to extreme poverty and difficult family situations, are forced to forgo schooling, often becoming easy victims of abuse and exploitation. Life stories full of misery and suffering, where it is often the youngest who pay the highest price. Deprived of the opportunity to attend school, deprived sometimes even of childhood itself, if left to their fate these children will hardly have the chance to create a better future for themselves.


Kam For Sud proposes a scholarship program that enables girls and boys in particularly difficult circumstances to go to school and thus give their lives a different chance. Each individual case is thoroughly evaluated by Kam For Sud leaders. Depending on the situation, the children are referred to their village school, a private school or an internship. Either way, as a priority, the boys remain in their own families or at least in their own village.


Since the beginning of this project, more than six hundred children and youths have so far been able to benefit from long-distance sponsorship to study. We observe with satisfaction that in general the children are very motivated and happy to be able to go to school, they study hard and many of them achieve good results.

A sponsorship makes it possible to offer a better future to children living in extreme poverty.


With 30.- CHF per month you can support a child living in their own family.


With 100.- CHF per month you can support a child at the orphanage-farm in Tathali.


Do you wish to become a supporter? Would you like more information? You can contact the scholarship manager Nelly Valsangiacomo:


  +41 79 642 57 19