since 2008
Day-care centre in Kathmandu
In Kathmandu, many poor children, not owning the means to attend school, spend their days on the streets exposed to all sorts of risks (delinquency, addiction to toxic substances, exploitation and abuse). Under these conditions, and without access to education, they can hardly create a better future for themselves. They are largely children of poor families who migrated to the capital in search of fortune from their home districts, often children of single mothers or entrusted to a relative, too poor to really take care of them.
Kam For Sud’s day care centre accommodates about fifty of these children, who are enrolled in school. At the Centre they receive a full meal in the morning and a snack in the afternoon, assistance in the homework, basic medical care and accompaniment in games and sport activities.
The staff consists of permanent educational staff and young people in their first jobs as social workers and school assistants (some of them grew up at the Kam For Sud children home), as well as two cooks.

Centre managers also work in parallel with the children’s mothers, creating more awareness about hygiene, health and nutrition.